Dust's one-of-a-kind-creation. Dust is one of 77 international street artists, designing for the Eastpak charity-project. Simply visit www.eastpak.com/artiststudio "Wir sind die Roboter!"-G-Star didn't spare no expense for their displays and was traded as one of the hottest exhibitors. - Streetwear-styles from Björkvin, Kopenhagen
Custo Barcelona relies on less vibrant patterns and textures -
- Printed down jackets with ethnical or knitwear patterns ease off shiny surfaces.
- Tribeca combined modern biker-styles, chinos and checked jackets.
Custo BarcelonaBench: Vibrant blues highlight subdued colours Chinos, leather jackets and heavy boots are keywords for upcoming fall/winter. -
- Under the creative direction of David Mullen (american filmaker, fotographer) the butto-down shirts are turning back to their originals…