18 maggio 2006. Sembra ieri. 5 anni, e più di 2000 post, sono passati dal primo giorno di vita di Polkadot. Il piccolo blog scritto a 4 mani è cresciuto in questo tempo, e se possiamo considerarlo un “magazine” ( ormai a 40 mani e più…) è grazie a chi ci scrive con passione e chi lo legge con interesse. Ogni giorno, come quel 18 maggio. Grazie a tutti.
It was the 18th of May 2006, but it seems yesterday! 5 years ago, more than 2000 articles posted, and much more from that day, it was the birth of Polkadot.it. At the beginning such as a little blog-site, managed by just 2 of us, and now a real and successful on line magazine, managed by 20 people and followed by thousands readers all over the world. To achieve this amazing result, Polkadot should say thanks to the web editors and their every day passion and thanks to the readers for their every day interest! A special thanks also to all the Polkadot’s fan on facebook and the followers on Twitter!
[ thanks to Dario Verrengia for the graphics ]