Write down this website url, because this is gonna became a great resource for shopping victims and people looking for nice stuff on the web.. Always wanted to know where that famous stylist gets her clothes,where you can find that exclusive interior brand, how to book thathidden design hotel on that far away location, or how to surpriseyour friends with a gift you won’t find in every local store? newfreshnice.com is a new online portal offering an easy-to-use overview of worlds best, most stylish and fun online stores in the fields of fashion, interior design, travel and stuff (gifts & gadgets). Handy filters make sure that you can quickly search on categories such as brand name, region or the type of product you’re looking for. You can also save your favorite online stores and share them with your friends through social media. And even better; you can subscribe to your friend’s favorites, or those of that famous style icon or celebrity.
newfreshnice.com is an initiative of Swede Carl Matsson and Dutch natives Jelleke Cremers and Martijn Vermin; three friends with an international background in fashion, lifestyle and design. All three of them were fed up with using search engines for hours and hours or scanning through an endless amount of blogs whenever they wanted to buy something special online or book a holiday off the beaten track. They decided to change this and founded newfreshnice.com. newfreshnice.com consists of a personal selection of the world’s best and most remarkable online stores, complemented with specials, tips and editorial content by the newfreshnice.com team and other contributors.