Another masterpiece – a fifteen minute production by Sebastian Lopez – drags you in with drama. A mysterious woman finds a red balloon attached to a gift box on an abandoned street. The sound of shoe soles scraping on dirty cement fills your ears. The harsh music builds up….the Tarantino-esque suspense is paired with action and characters similar to C. Nolan’s world. Filmed with Canon 7Ds in lovely hues of midwestern-American burnt reds, The Killing Joke ends with tasty graphic credits, so make sure to stay for the finale!
L’intento è cogliere l’energia di un evento come può essere una fashion week, se poi associamo uno dei marchi automibilistici più elitari, la realizzazione di un film che possa contenere tutti questi significati è un’opera difficile. Interessante è questo video in cui con ritmo, riesce a cogliere i momenti salienti di questo mondo, dal casting …
London’s original short film evening is back! With weekly screenings now in Cape Town, Toronto and sold out 3D events at the Barbican London last year, Short & Sweet has firmly established itself as the best way to enjoy short films. Don’t let the cheap tickets and relaxed atmosphere fool you though – this is …
Dopo la collaborazione con Terry Gilliam per la regia del loro live e quella con Chris Milk per il video interattivo “We used to wait”, la band canadese coinvolge un altro pilastro della cinematografia “indie” nell’elaborazione di un cortometraggio ispirato ai temi del loro ultimo album “The Suburbs”. Spike Jonze non è distante dalla scena musicale e soprattutto dagli Arcade Fire, già inseriti nella colonna sonora del suo film “Where the wild things are”. Questa volta arricchisce i testi del Best Album Grammy Awards 2011 con la sua originalissima regia. Un gruppo di ragazzini, che cresce nella periferia di un futuro che è diventato realtà, viene sconvolto da una battaglia militare tra violenza e oppressione psicologica. Il paesaggio cambia e così anche i sogni di questi kids. Scritto dai fratelli Will e Win Butler e dallo stesso regista, nel film compaiono i componenti del gruppo uniti dalla voce narrante di Win. In attesa di vederli sul palco milanese (5 luglio) e lucchese (9 luglio), possiamo goderci lo short movie qui.
“Do you remenber” video is the first chapter from a short film based on Ane Brun’s Music. The Director for the whole project is Magnus Renfors and he talks about the project and the work relation between Ane and him. “Ane’s music is like a great ocean housed under the roof of a great old theater, …
Hand-drawn and rotoscoped animation about relationships. It is a short animation by Alois Di Leo. Via 2.2 Studio
I’m a huge fan of Miranda July. Just love her artwork and her films. This one looks even better. | Via 2.2 Studio
The Tale of a Fairy by Karl Lagerfeld. The film was screened at the Hôtel du Cap-Eden-Roc at the Cap d’Antibes on Monday May 9th 2011. “It is a movie about an ill-advised use of money which begins with violence and ends with feeling” Karl Lagerfeld. It will be available in Chanel at 9pm today. | Via 2.2 Studio
This is a trailer for the animation by Atsushi Wada. Love the drawings, i really want to see the rest of the movie. Another one of his works. | Via 2.2 Studio
Official Trailer of “Fight For Your Right-Revisited”, from the Beastie Boys long anticipated eighth album. Incredible trailer. The cast rocks! Via 2.2
Tom Ford rules the catwalk with Spring 2011 women’s collection. Lot’s of familiar faces and a nice soundtrack. Love Julianne More, incredible hairstyling. Via 2.2
Ifest celebrates its 10th anniversary: the only independent film festival in Turkey is growing fast. Here some numbers: more than 30 movies, double event. 10 days in Istanbul (17-27 february) and 4 in Ankara (2-6 march). 8 movies in the official competition, where we can see movies coming from Mexico to Denmark. 17 categories of movies, …
To get our mind off things! Make a pause and watch this animation by Tyson James Dale. Via: 2.2