In Korea, where Tesco have started this purchase experiment, everyone has (at least) one smartphone, so maybe is easier, but…. is this the future of grocery shopping? will we scan billboards at metro/bus stops and wait at home for the delivery man?
“People aren’t hearing all the music.” Officially Beats by Dr. Dre is a brand of headphones and loudspeakers, created by hip hop celeb Dr. Dre. Actually they represent the best of sound quality and design lines in headphones market: half a great listening experience and half an eye-candy appeal. No doubts about two facts: – …
“…E così i primi della classe e gente seria iniziarono l’offensiva verso l’isola degli stupidi, l’isola dei coraggiosi, la Diesel Island. Ma non sapevano che ad attenderli c’erano i nostri difensori, militari addestrati prontamente con armi non abituali. Cuscini e pistole ad acqua avrebbero cacciato coloro che non possono fare a meno di prendersi troppo …
Da vedere, non aggiungo altro…. Sponsorizzato da, ecco il nuovo format da non perdere! Ad ora cinque puntate, tutte dopo il salto….
Paradores is a Spanish tourism partnership and they might be able to turn your frozen dreams a reality with a very fine guerrilla marketing idea. Go to the Ice Xmas site and guess correctly when the ice cube will be melted and you could win the key that is currently frozen in “space.” The key will …
IT_ Cari lettori, siamo orgogliosi di annunciarvi che Polkadot ha vinto la competition di Libero Mobile Award dedicata ai blogger ed ai siti indipendenti italiani nella categoria BEST PROFESSIONAL WEB SITE ! Questa vittoria per la nostra redazione è la migliore graticazione ed una conferma che l’impegno e la passione che mettiamo tutti i giorni …
Advert by the Irish national Lottery, who created an artificial rainbow in Dublin city by spraying water from the river into the air at the new Samuel Beckett bridge in the IFSC. | via
As part of its new advertising campaign touting the speed of its triple play offer, Virgin Media uses a character in perfect agreement with its message: Speedy Gonzales, “the fastest mouse in all Mexico.” The brand has used the “food artist” Prudence Staite to make a billboard entirely of cheese. A work of 110kg operator 10 …
How do you create the ultimate reality? You take the winners of the 2 top rated reality shows in the country and set them against each other. Inside a billboard. A new reality game format is born featuring the winners of the reality shows “THE BIG BROTHER” & “SURVIVOR” who will compete against each other …
This stunt from WWF in Moscow showed people how it feels to be one of the thousands of animals killed by shotguns every year in Russia. The t-shirts had augemented reality codes that triggered a shooting animation when exhibited in front of special mirrors in the stores or in front of the webcam at home. …
AXA is Belgium’s first insurance company to launch an iPhone app. Their free application helps and guides you through some basic steps when you have a car accident. Want to know more? Visit | via
Some enterprising chaps in New York have turned a simple replica food product into a potential money spinner. The Seat Savers concept comes from a simple idea – that people won’t disturb or use a chair with a spilled beverage or foodstuff on it. The original products come from the Silly Spills range of replica foods sold at …
Many countries celebrate the day of friendship dates rather different. In Argentina, the Dia del Amigo is traditionally celebrated on July 20. This type of appointment is always interesting to brands that take the opportunity to implement specific operations. Coca-Cola Argentina is no exception to the rule in his concept of reusing beverage dispenser. Already in use …