Il designer anglo-egiziano Karim Rashid ha realizzato quest’anno una stupenda collezione d’oggetti d’arredo per la famosa ditta spagnola di arredamento Vondom. Tra i pezzi migliori, la chaise-longue Surf, realizzata in polietilene, 100% reciclabile, che, con la sua forma, evoca le onde del mare ed un senso di calma e serenità. Surf è ideale sia per …
This installation, by design firm numen / for use, used 530 rolls of tape measuring 117,000 feet and weighing 100 pounds. The tendons of multiple layers of transparent adhesive tape are firstly stretched between the columns of an ex-stock exchange building. The following continuous wrapping of tendons results in a complex, amorphous surface through the process …
I Pixel sono l’icona del nostro tempo. Il famoso designer Cristian Zuzunaga, nato a Barcellona ma trapiantato a Londra, lo sa bene. Per questo, in collaborazione con alcuni noti marchi di arredamento, ha realizzato negli ultimi anni divani e sedie che riproducono fedelmente quei quadratini colorati che compongono lo schermo del nostro computer, i pixel. …
Un nuovo design, innovativo e funzionale, e componenti ricavati da una lamina metallica, assemblati in una montatura molto leggera. Queste sono le caratteristiche degli occhiali Mykita, i cui elementi sono uniti da eleganti cerniere che assicurano flessibilità totale. Al momento i Mykita Shop si trovano a Parigi, Vienna, Zurigo, Monterrey e Berlino, città di nascita …
Timothy Liles is a talented furniture designer from New England. After getting a degree in Furniture Design and working as a footwear designer for Converse for five years, Liles decided to leave the company and focus more on his personal projects. That’s how this funny, modern rug design came to life. The Braid Dead Rug …
Una lampada da terra che è diventata, negli ultimi anni, un vero e proprio must del design spagnolo. Una lampada monumentale, semplice, con una forma che strizza l’occhio agli anni Settanta, adatta sia agli interni che agli esterni. Sto parlando di Inout, la lampada disegnata da Ramón Úbeda e Otto Canalda per Metalarte, disponibile in vari …
Se dico Big Fish probabilmente pensi al film di Tim Burton. Per me, da alcuni giorni, Big Fish è anche quacos’altro. Da quando ho scoperto questo ristorante di Barcellona, il “pesce grande” è sinonimo di buona cucina, ottimi piatti e bel design, un posto dove passare un’ottima serata. Il locale si trova di fronte al …
Boxed Water Is Better: When I came across this concept I thought these guys had a brilliant idea. Smart, environmentally friendly and visually irresistible. Part sustainable water company, part art project, part philanthropic project, and completely curious. Boxed Water Is Better, is a boxed water company. Started with the simple idea of creating a …
T.SHELF is an abbreviation for Triangle shelf. It is a unique shelving system that can be setup around your existing furniture, or can be just hanging by itself on a wall as a sculptural object. The concept was to create furniture for modern nomadic culture. It is easy to setup and pack flat for space …
Operating out of a PrenzlauerBerg Altbau, Berlin based architect and designer Jon Kleinhample is not just another design upstart. His starkly white homepage masks a series of independent and professional work with a broad range. The design project Exploding Plastic Inevitable is an exploration into the agglomeration of cellular structured spaces. Rejecting the popular trend …
Chicago-based Ali Sandifer Studio has designed the MAG Coffee Table and TELE Side Table. Both are made of Hardwood. Contoured structures embrace a continuous undulating surface which is bisected by magazine storage at belly.
Cocoon: combined decoration, storage and cultivation for the kitchen window. You can grow spices and store fruits in the organic shape and you will get both life and colour in the kitchen.
In a Perfect world is the showcase for the work of third year fashion and visual communication students of Stockholm’s Beckmans School of Design. Students from the two courses were paired in couple; fashion students had to create an outfit on the theme “In a perfect world”, while visual communication students were supposed to direct …