Wood’d, nato nel 2012 dalle menti di Andrea e Stefano Aschieri, è un brand lifestyle che realizza artigianalmente accessori in legno, un materiale tradizionale che i due fratelli cercano di interpretare in chiave contemporanea. Cover, powerbank, dock per iPhone e Samsung, accessori per la scrivania: i piccoli oggetti di Wood’d per donare un tocco elegante e …
Forme sinuose e una pelle pronta ad essere tatuata. Non è l’identikit di una persona, ma di una sedia iconica, in due parole: Grand Prix, disegnata nel 1957 da Jarne Jacobsen per Fritz Hansen. Presentata alla Designer’s Spring Exhibition presso il Museo di Arte e Design di Copenhagen, prende il nome dall’omonimo premio che ha …
Ondu is a Slovenian studio founded and promoted by Elvis Halilović, a passionate lensless photographer and also an industrial designer and a carpenter. Pinhole Cameras by Ondu is a family of wooden cameras, launched on Kickstarter (the famous fundraising platform) which decreed its success, making them reach the goal of 10.000 Dollars in less than …
Si chiama Bricks Flowers Wood il nuovo progetto di One-T-Shirt, il brand milanese di magliette in cotone che da un pò di tempo gioca con la moda ottenendo numerosi consensi e riconoscimenti. Questa volta si diverte a creare, con l’artista britannico Richard Woods, una capsule collection davvero divertente. Mattoni, fiori e legno. I motivi amati …
NAM is a link. NAM links tremendous italian people. People you probably do not see much around because they are busy running their small shops, warriors of every day’s life, addicted by their own passion: their jobs. They do not pursue high incomes but the perfection in what they do. They use their hands to …
DEDO Is a minimal and modern frame made from precious post-consumer and reclaimed woods from around the world.The name DEDO is spanish for fingerprint, which describes the uniqueness of every frame. There are no types of frames, each is created to accentuate the beauty of the wood – one at a time. Each DEDO (pronouced …
As the leading Scandinavian design company in its class, Playsam creates innovative and timeless wooden toys for the young and young at heart. With each and every toy, we not only strive for physical functionality, but also for an art form that challenges pre-existing artistic concepts and conventions. Take your pick of our exclusive products …